Jan Naert is doctor in de geschiedenis (UGent) en professioneel actief als archivaris in het Algemeen Rijksarchief 2 in Brussel.
Welkom op boekvoorstelling en gesprekmet gasten Jan Naert, Sophie De Schaepdrijver, Luc Vandeweyer |
The historical book series Standen en Landen/Anciens Pays et Assemblées d'Etats focuses on the use of power from the Middle Ages to today. For more than seventy years, the Standen en Landen association has been publishing scientific monographs and collective works on institutional history, political history and legal history of the Low Countries. They were published in both national languages, as well as in English. The scientific series boasts a long tradition that links Flemish universities with those from the French Community. Since 2017 Standen en Landen is published by the academic publisher ASP.
The Standen en Landen association, founded in 1950, has three objectives: to promote insight into the motives of political action, to deepen knowledge about networks and socio-political organizations and to question the ideology behind political action and communication. To this end, the non-profit organization organizes conferences and colloquia, and publishes scientific works in the series Standen en Landen/Anciens Pays et Assemblées d'Etats.
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