Rechercher dans Standen & Landen
19 May 2021
OUVRAGE/BOEK: Oscar FERREIRA, Le Pouvoir Royal (1814-1848) À la recherche du quatrième pouvoir ? [Bibliothèque d'histoire du droit et droit romain; 37] (Paris: LGDJ, 2021), 588 p. ISBN 978-2-2750-8393-3, €68
18 May 2021
CALL FOR PAPERS: Political Assemblies in European Historical Drama, c.1550-1650 (London: Royal Historical Society, 29-30 JUN 2021) deadline 31 MAY)
What does early modern historical drama say about political assemblies such as Parliaments, Cortes, Diets, Estates, Senates, and States General? In Shakespeare’s Henry VI part 3 Parliament is a site where the nature of monarchy is discussed. The play opens in the Parliament House of England and, as the scene unfolds, Yorkists, Henry and the king’s supporters debate who the rightful king is and on what grounds the throne could be legitimately claimed. What, though, of Continental drama? Do French plays dramatize proceedings in the Estates General during the blood-soaked Wars of Religion? Or Dutch ones stage disputes unfolding in the States General during the Protestant revolt against Spain? How far do history plays produced in one country reflect on political assemblies in another, whether past or present? Are there neo-Latin plays which, through whatever historical guise, invoke consultations in some form of deliberative assembly?
This conference is a collaboration between two international research projects: ‘Histories: Assessing the Role of Aesthetics in the Historical Paradigm’ and ‘Recovering Europe’s Parliamentary Culture, 1500-1700: A New Approach to Representative Institutions’ (Oxford). We see it as an exploratory and fact-finding exercise and hope for a wide participation of international scholars. With your help we hope to get a sense of the range and variety of early modern Europe’s vernacular and neo-Latin historical drama that depicts Diets, Estates, Parliaments and Parliament-like assemblies, and to begin exploring the variety of depictions and uses of those assemblies.
Whether written and performed in monarchical or republican regimes, whether set abroad or at home, or in ancient, medieval, or near-contemporary times, how did European historical drama use Parliaments, Cortes, Diets, Estates, Senates, States General and similar bodies to discuss notions of power, authority, and legitimacy? How far was the relationship between theatre and political assemblies conceptualised as the drama or theatre of politics? Analyses of topical or allegorical invocations of such bodies are also of great interest.
Proposals for papers of 15 minutes are invited. We particularly welcome papers that discuss the following topics:
- history plays about Parliaments, States, Diets or parliament-like bodies and the key issues those tackle, whether political or religious;
- scenes in historical drama that are set in Parliaments, Cortes, Diets, Estates, Senates, or States General or reports of proceedings in them;
- discussions of Parliaments, Cortes, Diets, Estates, Senates, or States General in historical drama;
- rhetoric of speeches in political assemblies;
- the relationship between dramatic portrayal of parliaments and parliament-like bodies and the historical, philosophical, or polemical sources that inspired them;
- the interdependence of historical drama about national assemblies and the emergent science of politics;
- historical drama performed in Parliaments, Cortes, Diets, Estates, Senates, or States General;
Verdere informatie/information complémentaire:
The conference will include two interdisciplinary round table discussions: one on what depictions of national assemblies in European historical drama reveal about literary and theatrical trends, genre and rhetoric, and one on what they suggest about contemporary understandings of such institutions and their changing cultures.Confirmed speakers include Paulina Kewes (Oxford), Sofie Kluge and David Hasberg Zirak-Schmidt (both University of Southern Denmark) and Paul Seaward (History of Parliament Trust).
Please send an abstract of up to 1000 words and a brief biographical note (including institutional affiliation) of up to 200 words to by 31 May 2021. Delegates will be notified by 7 June.
Lees meer/davantage d'information ici/hier.
17 May 2021
BOEK/OUVRAGE: Paul DE WIN, De kanseliers, raadsleden en secretarissen van de Raad van Brabant (1430-1506) [Studia; 167] (Brussel: Algemeen Rijksarchief, 2021), € 17
Deze nieuwe uitgave in onze reeks Studia richt de schijnwerpers op de belangrijkste leden van de Raad van Brabant vanaf het ontstaan van de instelling onder Filips de Goede als hertog van Brabant in 1430 tot aan de dood van Filips de Schone in 1506: de kanseliers (en zegelaars), de (gewone en buitengewone) raadsleden en de secretarissen.
Lees meer/davantage d'information: ARA.
4 May 2021
OFFRE D'EMPLOI: Full-time Research and Teaching Position in Legal History or Anthropology of Law - Centre d'Histoire du Droit et d'Anthropologie Juridique (ULB)
About the job
The Centre of history and anthropology of law recruits a full-time research and teaching assistant who will conduct her or his scientic activities in the fields of history or anthropology of law. Pedagogical tasks are also included in the form of teaching assistant for the courses of history of law, Introduction to law and/or Legal methodology.
(Bron/source: CHDAJ)
The Assistant Will Assume The Following Tasks
- prepare and submit a Ph.D. in Legal history or in Anthropology of law
- publish scientific articles in this field
- take part to the organisation of collective scientific activities of the Centre
- teaching « practical classes » for the courses of history of law, Introduction to law or Legal Methodology
Required educational level: Master level in Law, history, social sciences
Required Languages
Français : Excellent
English : Good
Interested ?
20/05/2021 - Standen & Landen Evenement -- Événement Anciens Pays & Assemblées d'États : Boekvoorstelling -Présentation de l'ouvrage "More than mere Spectacle. Coronations and Inaugurations in the Habsburg Monarchy during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries"
On the occasion of the recent publication of the collective volume "More than mere spectacle. Coronations and Inaugurations in the Habsburg Monarchy during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries" Standen & Landen/Anciens Pays & Assemblées d'États will hold an online event on Thursday 20 May 2021.
Three panelists will discuss the topic of Coronations and Inaugurations :
Klaas Van Gelder (State Archives Ghent -- Ghent University)
Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly (University of Oxford)
Petr Mata (Austrian Academy of Sciences)
When ? Thursday 20 May 2021, 17:00-18:00
Duration : 1 hour (Q&A session included)
Where ? TEAMS
Registration : please send an email to before May 19 to obtain the link.
The volume can be purchased with a 50% discount
on print copies and 35% discount on eBooks until June 3. You can use
the purchasing code VAN771 directly at the website of Berghahnbooks.